Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Pull Day

Today I trained my pull muscles! I did trap bar deadlifts 4 x 5 reps, then straight after did 7 sets of pull ups with 3 different grips. did weighted pull ups till fail on all but the last 2 sets which i did without weight till fail. Hung a 20kg from my waist for the rest. I did wide arm first, then palms facing then standard chin ups for the last 2 sets. Felt stupidly pumped by then! Between each set I put the timer on for a minute so I didnt have a long rest in between, was such a killer. After the pull ups I moved onto one arm seated cable row, I did 3 sets of them racking the weight up each set. SQUEEZING AND STRETCHING which made me pump up like crazy. I then moved onto a drop set of shrugs starting at 120kg all the way down to 70kg! Then I moved onto biceps which I did 1 warm up set of barebell curls and 2 working sets of 8-10 reps. Finishing off I did 3 sets of concentration curls but these were murder to get through. I did 12 reps one one arm dropped it 12 on the other, dropped it 10 reps one arm, same on other, then 8 reps and then I was done. Did it in 50 mins, simple and hard. Legs on friday weheyyyyy

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