Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Legs, Push & Pull workouts.... and then I was sick

Last friday I did legs. I did:

Front Squats - 5 x 12
Superset - Leg extensions and Leg Press - 3 sets on each with 12 reps
Superset - Leg curl and Stiff leg deadlifts - 3 sets on each with 12 reps
Calve raises - 6 sets of 12 - 3 second hold at top and bottom

This week it's my light week as I do 3 weeks heavy and 1 week light so I can recuperate.
On my light weeks, they are such hard workouts it's unbelievable because they are all supersets leading to massive pumps in all my muscles. These pumps are sooo intense that they actually hurt haha, not complaining though. Each set has 30 seconds rest between. On supersets I don't have any rest between exercises but between the sets I have 30 seconds to keep the pump and intensity high.

Sunday - Push

Decline Bench superset with Flyes - 4 sets of 12 reps
Incline Press - 4 sets of 12
Lat Raises superset with bent over lat raises - 4 sets of 12
Tricep pushdown - 4 sets of 12 reps
Hit the bag for 10 minutes

Wednesday - Pull - THIS IS A KILLER

Bent over barbell rows superset with Wide grip Lat Pulldowns - 4 sets on each with 12 reps
Close Grip pulldowns superset with Standing bent over cable row - 4 sets on each with 12 reps
Barbell Bicep Curl superset with Concentration Curl on the resistance band - 3 sets of 12 on each
4 sets of dumbbell curls - I do these hammer curl to the top then twist the wrist so it is facing to the floor and lower it slowly

Then we went outside, strapped a harness to us and ran 4 lengths with the tractor tyre. After that we did a length of flipping the tyre and pulling it with the harness backwards on the way back.

Then I was sick.

Have fun!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Haven't blogged in a long time

Sunday I did Legs which was horrrible after a night in London.
5x10 squats. Each rep slow on the way down and squeezing my legs at the top with no lock out. First 2 sets 10 reps with heaviest weight possible for 10. Drop 5kg on the 3rd set and do 12 for the 3rd and 4th set. Then 5th set drop another 5kg and get 15 reps. You should be wanting to throw up each set, if not put some more weight on.
Deadlifts 5x10 - Same work ethic with the taking the 5kg off each 2 sets. Drive with your legs, squeeze the quads at the top.
Leg Curls 5x10- If you've gone heavy enough on the squats and deadlifts you'll be dreading these.
Calve press on the leg press machine 6x12 - Hold for 3 seconds at the top and bottom to make sure your doing it properly ;)

Monday was Push day!
5x10 Bench Press
5x10 Incline Bench
5x10 Shoulder press
Finsher for triceps - Superset Tricep Pushdown with Close Grip Bench
3 sets of bench dips


Today I have a Pull day! Have fun training :)